Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Supa Fantastic!

No, I haven't posted in...two days?? Honestly guys, I've just been lazy. My sweet darling was home with me on Monday so I spent most of my time with her, but now she's at work so I'm bored. Then I have to go to work tomorrow and Friday and Saturday and Sunday and Monday! So I'll be busy for a little while, just expect to see little text posts from me, assuming I can find the blogger number that I swore I had in my phone yesterday. Gah, anyways, it's going to be a great weekend! We're having a pride festival here on Saturday and I can't wait! I've never been to a pride parade before and especially not with my baby! We've been together a whole year and a month already, can you believe it?

Ah, so excited!

And I sooo want one of these! Hope they have something similar! Me and rainbow items are gonna be glued together on that day, especially since I don't have any to begin with! SD has a belt that she said I could wear but I want a ring or something cause belts that aren't black are just tacky to me. Anyways, let me know if you'll be at the Winston-Salem pride festival this year! I'm handing out gift certificates to my online sweets shop CTDV and I'd love to meet and greet!

See y'all there!


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